Hi Gretl,
I'm writing from London.... still trying to get my head around the idea I wont be hearing from Pete anymore. Although I hadn't seen him for 16 years (last time was in France 92) we kept in regular contact either by phone or email - the last email I had was on Monday 8th. That says a lot in itself - as there are many people I have meet over the years that I haven't stayed in touch with.
I'm a good friend of Tyler's. It was Tyler who got in touch with me on Friday night to tell me the tragic news. I met your brother through Tyler when they lived in the same block in Silverlake back in 1990.
I've been thinking about it since I heard about his passing and its fair to say meeting Pete changed my life or least gave me the confidence to follow a path I had convinced myself I no place on - namely being an artist. I left London in 89 disillusioned after an attempt at trying my hand at acting/comedy. Not knowing what to do with myself I knocked around LA for a year or two working on music videos. It was at that time I was lucky enough to meet Pete. We had some truly memorable times together and he showed me a side of the US/LA I didn't know existed. He had written a short film and after we got to know each other he suggested I take the lead role in it. Mainly I guess because he liked the cut of my gib. We shot the film in summer 91. On my return to Europe I managed to earn a living as a professional stage actor and script writer for the next 12 years. It was Pete that convinced me to persevere with the artists way. I have no doubt that my life would have taken a different route if it weren't for Pete. Not surprisingly he has, and always will, occupy a particularly special place in my mind. I owe Pete.
He was an original. A real creative talent. His work was of course outside the mainstream but thank God for that. It was always a joy to receive his emails - his photo's, paintings, songs and tales from wherever - always made me laugh (and I don't laugh easily) and in all his work there where shrewd observations about our species that got at basic truths. In our time together he was a good friend and great company. I remember that last time we were together in Paris. We were sitting on the steps of some house down a side street eating our baguettes and cheese when this little French kid walking by with his mother turned to her and said "Maman, Maman - regardez les clochards'" - we loved that and chomped them sandwiches even harder. All these years later I still carry the sayings Pete taught me around with me and often catch myself trotting them out to entertain myself or others.
I spent an hour on the phone with Ralph this afternoon, who I haven't spoken to for several years, reminiscing of our times with Pete. I hope its some consolation to you that his passing is bringing people from far and wide together again. I'm really happy to hear that Tyler is taking steps to hold a memorial service in LA - good ole Tyler, he's a star. I only wish I had the money to get myself there 'cos as I mentioned earlier I owe Pete.
From what I understand his passing sounds like it was a real tragedy. My deepest condolences to you and your family. But know your brother was one of the most memorable men I have ever met.
Dick Crane